The TCP Server module¹ consists of two servers. The command server enables other applications to access the API from anywhere in the world, sending instructions to the program and retrieving status information. The event server sends event messages for several triggers. In addition to the generic events listed below, events that relate to a specific module are documented per module.

onalias, <module>, <alias>

Triggered when a module's alias changes.

onaudiooutput, <module>, <channels>

Triggered when a module's audio output format changes, i.e. a change in the number of audio channels.

onaudiosource, <module>, <source>

Triggered when a module's audio source changes.

onmodules, <modules>

Triggered when a module is added or removed from the current profile. Includes a comma-separated list of all modules in the current profile.

ontally, <module>, <tally>

Triggered when a <module>'s tally changes status.

The module displays the local IP address and port numbers through which it can be accessed. A red tally will light up when a client connects to the server. Right click the module to open its popup menu. The following additional menu entry is available.

Port Number

Set the port number.

¹ Available in Broadcast edition only