VidBlasterX has a unique modular design that allows you to configure the program exactly to your needs, both from a technical and from an ergonomic perspective. Modules can be roughly divided into 2 types: video and control modules. Video modules always include a display and perform video related functions. Control modules have no display and are used for other (control) purposes. 

All modules can be easily positioned by grabbing their title bar and dragging them to the required position. Upon release they will snap to the grid set in the main menu (Modules > Grid Size). To resize a video module hover the mouse over the right (horizontal resize) or bottom (vertical resize) edge of the video display until the mouse cursor changes. Then hold down the left mouse button and drag the module to the desired size. The module will resize so that the display always keeps a constant aspect ratio. Upon release the right edge will snap to grid. Modules can have one or two tally lights: a program (red) / preview (green) / fx (white) tally on the left and a status tally (often used to indicate on/off status) on the right.

Each module has a popup menu, aka a context menu, which can be made visible by right clicking the module. Menu items that are common to most modules are listed and explained below, more specific items are listed on the respective module's page.



Activates the module's main function. Some modules automatically restore their last status.



Deactivates the module's main function.

Video Source

The module takes its video from this source.

Audio Source

The module takes its audio from this source. By default this is set to either the default Windows recording device or, when present, the output of Audio Mixer 1. If no source is available, or the previously selected source is no longer available, this setting will default to No sound.

Audio Channels

The number of audio channels to use or Auto for automatic detection.


A settings dialog will appear with settings related to this module.

Action > On Click > On/Off

When this flag is set, clicking the display has the same function as toggling on/off.

Action > On Click > Play/Pause

When set clicking the display has the same function has clicking the Play button or Stop button.

Action > On Click > Preview

When set clicking the display has the same function as selecting this module as source on the PVW 1 bus.

Action > On Click > Program

When set clicking the display has the same function as selecting this module as source on the PGM 1 bus.

Properties > Alias

Opens a dialog allowing you to enter a module's Alias, which can be a more descriptive or shortened version of the module's name. E.g. for a Camera module this could be "CAM1" or the name of the camera operator, for an NDI Output module this could be the name of the actual source (e.g. "PGM").

Properties > Alpha

VidBlasterX internally uses premultiplied alpha. Preferably all video streams from external sources that carry an alpha channel have a premultiplied alpha channel. If this is not possible, set this option to Straight to let VidBlasterX do the required conversion (note this requires additional resources). Select Ignore (default) if VidBlasterX should ignore the alpha channel entirely.

Properties > Audio Meter

Allows you to select if the audio meter is visible. The audio meter has a range from -52 to 0 dBFS, divided in 3 segments: green from -52 to -20 dBFS (SMPTE) or -18 dBFS (EBU), yellow up to -10 dBFS and red up to 0 dBFS. The channels indicate the audio peak value in dBFS, with a peak-hold line indicating the highest peak value in the last 750 ms. By default the meter is visible.

Properties > Auto Scale

Almost all video and graphics are automatically scaled, centered and pillar/letterboxed throughout the program. In some cases however, like in the Still Store module, automatic scaling can be undesirable and this flag can be unchecked to disable this feature.

Properties > Collapsed

To conserve space most modules can be collapsed by double clicking the title bar or setting this flag. Double click the title bar again or clear this flag to return the module to its original state. Note a collapsed module still consume resources as it continues to function. 

Properties > Controls

Allows you to select which controls, e.g. buttons and selection lists, are visible. The module will automatically resize to accommodate for the visible controls. Controlless modules remain fully operational through their popup menu and API.

Properties > Dock

When a module is docked to another module, dragging either module will make both modules move in unison. This feature is often used to allow grouping of, e.g. switcher, modules so they can be easily  repositioned.

Properties > High Quality Scaling

When set, scaling down of video frames is drastically improved, but at the expense of resources (both memory bandwidth and CPU).

Properties > OSD

Text display over the video in the display is called OSD. This can be switched Off, it can  be Local (i.e. from the module itself) or coming from the Source module. Normally OSD text is an overlay and not part of its video output. Set the Embedded flag to make the OSD text part of the video stream itself, which can be useful for e.g. remote monitoring or recording.

Properties > Size

Sets the module's display size as percentage of the native video resolution.

Properties > Timer

When checked (default) the streaming time is shown in the display (OSD).

Clear Module

Clears the module's input (file or source) and display, leaving the module to output (transparent) black video.

Remove Module

Clears and removes the module.