VidBlasterX has a unique modular design that allows you to configure the program exactly to your needs, both from a technical and from an ergonomic aspect. Modules can be roughly divided into 2 types: video and control modules. Video modules always include a display and process video. Control modules have no display and are used for other purposes.
All modules can be easily positioned by grabbing their title bar and dragging them to the required position. Upon release they will snap to the grid set in the main menu (Modules >> Grid Size).
To resize a video module hover the mouse over the right (horizontal resize) or bottom (vertical resize) edge of the video display until the mouse cursor changes. Then hold down the left mouse button and drag the module to the desired size. The module will resize so that the display always keeps a constant aspect ratio. Upon release the right edge will snap to grid.
Each module has a popup menu, aka a context menu, which can be made visible by right clicking the module. Menu items that are common to most modules are listed and explained below.
Video Source
The module takes its video from this source.
Audio Source
The module takes its audio from this source.
Audio Output
The module sends its audio to this output.
A Settings dialog will appear with settings related to this module.
Appearance >> Controls
Allows you to select which controls, e.g. buttons and selection lists, are visible. The module will automatically resize to accommodate for the visible controls. A multiview configuration, i.e. a collection of displays, can be achieved by disabling all controls. All modules remain fully operational through their popup menu.
Appearance >> OSD
Allows you to select which On Screen Display elements, e.g. audio meter and status icons, are visible. The audio meter has a range from -52 to 0 dBFS, divided in 3 segments: green from -52 to -18 dBFS, yellow from -18 to -10 dBFS and red from -10 to 0 dBFS. Both left and right audio channels indicate the audio peak value in dBFS, with a peak-hold line indicating the highest peak value in the last 750 ms. The SyncLok status icon indicates whether the video device or source streams video frames with accurate timing (SyncLok active or "locked"), or not. If SyncLok is not possible, timing will be taken from VidBlasterX's internal master clock.
Clicking the display of a video source module selects it for the program bus. The transition used in the take from the previous source to this module is set here.
Releases all resources.
Remove Module
Clears and removes the module.