

Enables (value = true) or disables (value = false) A/B mode.

auto [<type>[, <ms>]]

Executes current transition. Optionally takes transition type and length parameters (see transitionlength & transitiontype pins). Note this command is only supported by A buses that are set in A/B mode.

crop <source>, <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, <y2>

Returns/sets top-left (x1, y1) & bottom-right (x2, y2) crop of <source> in FX bus. These settings can also be found in the Source Settings dialog.


Resets active sources in bus. Value parameter is a comma-separated list with source names or button captions (case-insensitive)

cropposscale <source>, [true|false]

Returns/sets the enabled status of the crop/position/scale effect of <source> in the FX bus. This setting can also be found in the Source Settings dialog (Enable).

optiontally [true|false]

Enables or disables (default) the tally option.

position <source>, <x>, <y>

Returns/sets (x, y) position of <source> in FX bus. This setting can also be found in the Source Settings dialog (Position).


Returns true if switcher ready, i.e. fully constructed and all source buttons present.

scale <source>, <x>, <y>

Returns/sets x & y scale of <source> in FX bus. This setting can also be found in the Source Settings dialog (Scale).

select <source1>[, <source2>, ...]

Sets active sources in bus. Value parameter is a comma-separated list with source names or button captions (case-insensitive).


Returns comma-separated list with names of active sources, their alias and their 0-based bus index, e.g. camera 1, CAM01, 0.


When reading this returns a comma-separated list with names of all sources. When writing the bus is (re)built with sources supplied as a comma-separated list in the value parameter.


Executes take. Note this command is only supported by A buses that are set in A/B mode.


Deprecated: Reads or sets transition time in ms. Note this command is only supported by A buses that are set in A/B mode.


Toggles source's active status. Value parameter is a source name or button caption (case-insensitive).

transitionlength <ms>

Sets transition length in ms. Note this command is only supported by A buses that are set in A/B mode.

transitionperc <perc>

Sets transition to <perc> [0..100].

transitiontype <name>

Selects transition <type>.


onselected <module>, <source>, <alias>, <index>

Triggered when a bus source is (de)selected. Includes a comma-separated list of selected sources, their alias and bus index.


The following example sets the transition time of the program bus to 1 s.

apiwrite PGM 1, time, 1000

The following example selects Camera 1 and Player 1 in FX 1.

apiwrite FX 1, select, "Camera 1,Player 1"